With the growing demand for healthier living we (JKM Foods Ltd) have seen a marked rise in the interest, firstly for kefir cultures themselves and secondly for there application in producing kefir yogurts. Working alongside our partners in Europe at Igea S.R.L, we are delighted to be able to offer a unprecedented selection of cultures to aid in your production goals.
Starting with an impressive fourteen yogurt culture variations (acidity, viscosity & post acidification), following this up with four variations of kefir culture (flavor, viscosity & gas production). this ultimately allows using to utilize Igea’s YAU & KF culture options to really let you create a product that’s uniquely yours.
The differences:
With so much demand for Kefir, and it’s variations in the UK dairy market. There happens to be a trend of the water getting a little muddied, around the terms kefir and kefir yogurt. And this is most importantly what we wish to discuss here, So we shall attempt to clear the water.
Starting with kefir:
Primarily a fermented milk, which traditionally has the potential to be quite sour, along with carbonated & slightly alcoholic. Traditionally this is fermented at room temperatures, with the use of kefir grains. You will find this produces a milk which is a slightly thicker drink. However we have tended to find that many in the UK dairy market. Do seem to find this classically produced format, not quite matching the demands of the dairy purchasing’s pallet. Secondly and most importantly, the traits of kefir that we have found most producers wish to highlight & capitalize upon. Can and are to be found within the use of modern freeze dried cultures.
The traits:
Firstly and of primary concern to producers, we have flavor this can range from high through medium to a low. Secondly we have gas production and the question to have fizz or no fizz? which brings us finally to viscosity which can range from a medium to high. We have control over these core aspects of a kefir and its production, along side this alcohol production. an aspect so often overlooked is also controlled to meet the demands of the market.
Our partners at Igea and there comprehensive range of kefir cultures, which make use of there vast catalog of bacteria’s & yeasts. Allowing them to form a highly adaptable & comprehensive culture offering.
Finishing at kefir yogurt:
Taking the next logical step from fermented milk, to UK table staple was always on the cards. So with taking the three core desirable traits of kefir, these being flavor, viscosity & gas production. Pairing them with the thickness, acidity and creaminess of a classic yogurt style sought after by the market was a clear winner. This process has been made vastly easier for producers, with the potential for over fifty six different configurations with out the addition of supporting probiotic cultures. This is made possible firstly through the use of high quality direct vat inoculation cultures, and most importantly by the technical backup offered by ourselves and our partners. The pairing Igea’s wide culture catalog, along with our own forty plus years of production Knowledge. You can be sure of repeatable results time and time again, and a product that uniquely yours.
Kefir culture range:
Two of the most popular cultures in this range are found below:
- Firstly there is KF1 which offers primarily, high flavor along with low gas production. Which is coupled finally with a medium viscosity and finish’s up with low alcohol production.
- Secondly we have KF2 offering a focus on a medium to low flavor, paired with medium to low gas production. Finishing with a medium viscosity, and once again low alcohol production.
The advantages:
To start with all of our cultures in this range, are easy to use direct vat inoculation & freeze dried. With that all of Igea’s range of cultures are packed on activity. So this always means that one packet, no matter it’s weight will be one unit of culture inoculating one hundred litre’s of cows milk. Making sure will always give the same results time and time again. Fishing with with there being no need to rehydrate before use, thus making them so easy to use. Leaving you to just add directly to your milk and stir, meaning no messy bulk starter less risk of contamination and failure. When combined with the technical back up from ourselves, and our partners new product development has never been easier.

As with all cultures provided via ourselves from our partners. JKM Foods ltd can provide certificates of conformality/analysis upon request. Along with full technical details alongside the relevant kosher & halal certification. Igea’s cultures are GMO free this is according to Regulation (EC) no. 1829/2003 and Regulation (EC) no. 1830/2003.
More Information:
If you would like more information regarding the range of kefir cultures, please drop us a message via the links below.
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