News & Advice

At JKM Foods we like to share advice on common questions we come across, and news and updates as well. All of which can be found here.

News & Updates:

Here you will find the latest news on what’s happing with us at JKM Foods. From sponsorship to updates on delivery schedules all will be found here.

ICDA 2024

This year JKM Foods, was proud to take a larger part in the ICDA 2024. For starters this was the first year of the JKM Trophy for best creamery/mature block cheddar. And finally we [...]


Here we have help & advice for the most common and upcoming questions. Frequently asked of us all can be found here.

Kefir yogurt

With the growing demand for healthier living we (JKM Foods Ltd) have seen a marked rise in the interest, firstly for kefir cultures themselves and secondly for there application in producing kefir yogurts. Working [...]

For those looking for news & advice for domestic cheese and yogurt production. Check out our sister site: cheese-yogurt-making